A Papago Legend
A delightful native american indian legend about the creation of the animals on earth and how the unique butterfly creature came to be. [Read More...]
Shoshone Ladies Fancy Shawl Dance
A legend from the Shoshone tribe about the butterfly and its symbol of renewal and the origin of the butterfly dance... [Read More...]
The White Butterfly - Japanese Legend
An echanting butterfly folklore tale that comes from Japan about the nature and transformational power of love... [Read More...]
Lanape Butterfly Creation Story
A variation of the butterfly creation myth (papango legend) about the creation of the butterfly in the Lanape tradition... [Read More...]
The Butterfly Lovers
A legendary short story that originated from China. It's a beautiful story about two butterfly lovers and their journey together... [Read More...]
Native American Myths
All about the spiritual meaning and the symbolism of the butterfly in various native american culture and traditions... [Read More...]
Butterfly Symbolism
The symbolic meaning of the butterfly in various cultures and mythologies from around the world, including the spiritual meaning and symbolism associated with the butterfly... [Read More...]
Legends Behind Butterfly Colors
Seeing a butterfly of a specific color (epsecially if it lands on you!) could be a sign of good luck, or an omen of something importance to come. Here is a list of legends and mythical associations with each colored butterfly... [Read More...]
Moth Mythology and Symbolism
Just like the superstions and folklore surrounding the butterfly, there are a few moth related myths and legends. In some cultures the moth has spiritual meaning and associate unique symbolism to it. [Read More...]
Butterfly Stories
Butterfly fables and inspirational stories.
Butterfly Articles
Articles related to butterflies.