Monarch Butterflies – Their 1800 mile flight to freedom The fall migration of Monarch butterflies is one of those fascinating natural mysteries to which human beings still do not have any answers. [Read More...]
Planting a Butterfly Garden Create a butterfly sanctuary in your own backyard. Here are some tips on how to create an ideal garden for attracting local butterflies. [Read More...]
Wow A Butterfly! What does a butterfly have to do with self help? We realize that life can be difficult but we often overlook the many good and beautiful things. [Read More...]
Personal Development And The Butterfly Effect Have you ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? Do you know that the basic science behind it can be used to dramatically change your life with very little effort? [Read More...]
Butterfly Themed Wedding - Release The Butterflies! What does a butterfly have to do with self help? We realize that life can be difficult but we often overlook the many good and beautiful things. [Read More...]
The Elusive Butterfly of Happiness The search for happiness is universal, and yet it is hard to find. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong place. Are You Chasing the Elusive Butterfly of Happiness? [Read More...]
The Life Cycle of The Butterfly As a result of metamorphosis, butterflies go through a series of four, very distinct, life-type changes. The four stages include: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. [Read More...]
The Buttefly Patrol: "Don't Touch The Butterflies!" “All right, now – Remember: When you go in be sure to stay on the path and please don’t climb the rocks. Also, because you’re wearing NICE BRIGHT COLORS the butterflies may think you’re a FLOWER and try to LAND on you...” [Read More...]
The 5 Stages of Life Transformation Someone once said, "There is nothing about a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." This quote illustrates the change process perfectly. [Read More...]
The Path of Illumination Change is a mythological journey, where we hear the call; go with uncertainty into unknown dangers, until we finally find our way home. [Read More...]
The Butterfly Struggle A motivational story, article and lesson about fear, struggle and the human spirit, inspired by the transformational life of the butterfly. [Read More...]
Planning a Butterfly Party The Kids Will Love! A fun and creative idea for girls or any butterfly-loving child is a butterfly themed birthday party which is easy and quick to set up. [Read More...]
Celebrate With Butterflies – The Flying Flowers Because of their beauty and symbolism, releasing butterflies is a unique and creative idea for any special occassion, celebration or social event. [Read More...]
Nerves And Butterflies Secret prinicples for controlling those 'butterflies in the stomach' and how to manage anxiety and fluttering nerves with butterfly visualization. [Read More...]
Butterflies In The Bedroom Creating a beautiful butterfly habitat indoors and watching caterpillars grow is a fun and rewarding for children and adds inspiration to the home. [Read More...]
Butterfly Gardening Butterfly gardening is not only a joyful and creative hobby, but it can also help restore the declining butterfly population. [Read More...]