The Lepidopterists' Society
The Lepidopterists' Society embraces a wide range of interests and viewpoints concerning the study and appreciation of moths and butterflies.
Butterfly Conservation is dedicated to the conservation of butterflies, moths and our environment. Butterfly Conservation was formed by a small group of dedicated naturalists in 1968 following the alarming decline of many beautiful butterflies.
Butterfly Recovery Initiative
BFCI is dedicated to the convservation of threatened, endangered and vulnerable North American Butterflies and the habitats that sustain them with a focus on the recovery, research, and education.
North American Butterfly Association
NABA is the largest group of people in Canada, United States, and Mexico interested in Butterflies. They are a membership-based not-for-profit organization working to increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies.
International Butterfly Breeders Association
IBBA is the largest and oldest non-profict professional butterfly farming trade association. They promote high standards of ethics, competence and professionalism in the breeding of quality Lepidoptera for all purposes.
The Xerces Society
The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. For forty years, the Society has been at the forefront of invertebrate protection worldwide.
Flight of the Butterflies 3D
The technology of IMAX® immerses you in the astounding migration experience as two generations of the butterflies migrate north and then a Super Generation miraculously finds its way from Canada to a few isolated mountaintops in Mexico – to a place it has never been!
Wiki Loves Butterfly
The Wiki Loves Butterfly project's purpse is to increase the amount of free licence materials forbutterfly species of West Bengal, India and related documentation and photographs in Wikimedia Commons and develop the quality and quantity of Wikipedia articles and more.
Wiki Loves Butterfly
A wikipedia page with information about insects, like the butterfly, throughout history and their mythological and symbolic meaning. Also check out the Buterfly Mythology page on this site.
Interesting Butterfly Facts
Interesting and informative facts about the life and habits of butterflies, along with some unique and little-known factoids about the butterfly.
Educational Butterfly Videos
Learn more about butterflies. A list of educational videos, short films and butterfly documentaries; butterfly education vids for kids too!
The Word Butterfly in Different Languages
Learn how to say the word for "Butterfly" in various different languages--both common and obscure--from around the globe.