Wow A Butterfly!
What does a butterfly have to do with self help? We realize that life can be difficult but we often overlook the many good and beautiful things. [Read More...]
Personal Development And The Butterfly Effect
Have you ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? Do you know that the basic science behind it can be used to dramatically change your life with very little effort? [Read More...]
The Elusive Butterfly of Happiness
The search for happiness is universal, and yet it is hard to find. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong place. Are You Chasing the Elusive Butterfly of Happiness? [Read More...]
The Butterfly Struggle
A motivational story, article and lesson about fear, struggle and the human spirit, inspired by the transformational life of the butterfly. [Read More...]
The 5 Stages of Life Transformation
Someone once said, "There is nothing about a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." This quote illustrates the change process perfectly. [Read More...]
The Path of Illumination
Change is a mythological journey, where we hear the call; go with uncertainty into unknown dangers, until we finally find our way home. [Read More...]
Nerves And Butterflies
Secret prinicples for controlling those 'butterflies in the stomach' and how to manage anxiety and fluttering nerves with butterfly visualization. [Read More...]
The Butterfly: Inspiration for Personal and Spiritual Transformation Spiritual transformation, like the physical metamorphosis of the butterfly, is a very difficult and often painful process. However, transformation requires growth and change, and so for our souls to fly free, we must embrace the growing pains.